The project « Active citizens for active climate protection » was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens" |
Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.1 "Town-Twinning” |
Participation: The project directly involved 440 citizens, notably 102 participants from the city of Tulln and surroundings (Austria), 85 participants from the city of Badajoz and Cáceres (Spain), 96 participants from Prague (Czech Republic), 66 participants from Sliema and Marsascala (Malta) and 91 participants from Espinho (Portugal).
Short description:
The day of 17/09/2015 was dedicated to visits and examples of best practice as regards to ecological gardening, ecological municipal green space management, an already well established car-sharing-project with electric cars, an excursion to a waste collection center and photovoltaic power plants.
The day of 18/09/2015 was dedicated to experiencing and exchanging knowledge about innovative mobility forms, concepts to improve (public) mobility offers and regional products.
The day of 25/02/2016 was dedicated to the illustration of examples of best practice and the exchange of knowledge as regards to renewable energies, sustainable mobility as well as sustainable and integrated urban development.
The day of 26/02/2016 was dedicated to indicating strategies as regards to the conservation of the heritage as a way to protect the environment, the biodiversity and the climate.
The day of 12/05/2016 was dedicated to visits and examples of best practice regarding waste treatment (recyclable materials, production of compost, production of electricity by the use of waste and the creation of “green jobs” in Malta), energy and water resources management, renewable energy generation, energy efficiency and water conservation. Furthermore, sustainable ways of construction were of high importance (solar shading equipment, solar pool heating system, building management system with smart lighting, water saving measures and efficient heating and ventilation systems).
The day of 13/05/2016 was dedicated to the exchange of ideas as regards to climate protection by organizing a conference.
The day of 02/06/2016 was dedicated to study visits and examples of best practice by visiting the environmental event Mikroklima and the energetic waste disposal complex (ZEVO Malešice).
The day of 03/06/2016 was dedicated to presentations, transnational experience and good practice exchange as regards to climate protection measures.
The day of 22/09/2016 was dedicated to visits of an inter-municipal service of waste management, photovoltaic plants, a landfill biogas energy recovery plan and the Porto Business School.
The day of 23/09/2016 was dedicated to the Public Conference and the thereby related topics of strategies of Sustainable and integrated urban development in Espinho as well as an intensive exchange on the climate activities among the single partners. |
Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 "Networks of Towns" Measure 2.3 "Civil Society Projects" Strand 1 – "European Rememberance" |
5 events have been carried out within this project: Participation: The event involved 102 citizens, including 71 participants from the cities of Tulln and surroundings (Austria), 2 participants from Badajoz and Cáceres (Spain), 8 participants from Sliema and Marsascala (Malta), 16 participants from Prague (Czech Republic) and 5 participants from Espinho (Portugal). Location / Dates: The event took place in Tulln, Kirchberg am Wagram and Großriedenthal (Austria) from 17/09/2015 to 18/09/2015. Short description: The aim of the event was on the one hand to provide the international guests with the opportunity to get to know each other and to learn more about the different experiences and the thereby related knowledge bases as it was the first of the international events organized as part of this project. On the other hand, the region and partners visited in Austria are very innovative and experienced as regards to (electric) mobility and sustainable transport concepts. Thus, the 2-day programme concentrated on experiencing the advantages of electric vehicles and thereby related sharing concepts but also on gaining valuable knowledge about waste management, innovative photo voltaic concepts as well as ecological gardening.
Event 2 – Meeting at Spain from 25/02/2016-16/02/2016 Location / Dates: The event took place in Badajoz (Spain) from 25/02/2016 to 26/02/2016. Short description: The aim of the event was similar to the ambition of each of the international meetings as the exchange of experience and knowledge as well as the development of future common project ideas were one of the main ambitions. As part of the 2-day event, a model building with integration of renewable energies, a concentrated solar power plant as well as the city of Cáceres were visited in order to benefit and learn from innovative ways to protect our climate. A conference organized by the hosts enforced the exchange of valuable knowledge and encouraged discussions about possible opportunities and pitfalls as regards to the realization of possible future projects in other partaking countries.
Event 3 – Meeting at Malta from 12/05/2016-13/05/2016 Location / Dates: The event took place in Sliema and Marsascala (MALTA) from 12/05/2016 to 13/05/2016.
Event 4 – Meeting at Czech Republic from 02/06/2016 to 03/06/2016 Participation: The event involved 96 citizens, including 19 participants from the cities of Tulln and surroundings (Austria), 9 participants from Badajoz and Cáceres (Spain), 7 participants from Sliema and Marsascala (Malta), 57 participants from Prague (Czech Republic) and 4 participants from Espinho (Portugal). Location / Dates: The event took place in Prague (Czech Republic) from 02/06/2016 to 03/06/2016 Short description: The aim of the event was to share good practices and exchange experience on the transnational level. In two days partners were able to become part of the environmental event Mikroklima, which has mainly an educational purpose concerning climate protection topics. Furthermore, the international guests visited the energetic waste disposal complex (ZEVO Malešice), Prague 9´s energetically effective O2 arena complex and were subsequently able to present their ideas and achievements and to discuss possible future approaches concerning climate protection activities.
Event 5 – Meeting at Portugal from 22/09/2016 to 23/09/2016 Participation: The event involved 91 citizens, including 5 participants from the cities of Tulln and surroundings (Austria), 13 participants from Badajoz and Cáceres (Spain), 6 participants from Sliema and Marsascala (Malta), 9 participants from Prague (Czech Republic) and 58 participants from Espinho (Portugal). Location / Dates: The event took place in Espinho (Portugal) from 22/09/2016 to 23/09/2016. Short description: The aim of the event was once more to provide the (international) guests with valuable knowledge about successfully implemented climate protection measures and to foster possible future enduring partnerships as part of the last meeting of the project. Thus, the event was split in two parts: One part consisted in a visitation tour to successful projects for climate protection (Inter-municipal Service of Waste Management in Greater Porto, Porto Business School) at the 22nd September. The second part took place on the 23rd of September and was organized as a public conference called AC4ACP - Active citizens for active climate protection.